Platzi, elevating education with high-performance online courses and streaming

Platzi is the leading online education platform specialized in technological topics in Latin America. Founded in 2013 by Fredy Vega and his Guatemalan partner Christian Van Der Henst, it was the first company of Latin origin to be admitted to Y Combinator, one of the most important incubators in Silicon Valley.


Since its inception, Platzi has attracted attention mainly for its focus on careers linked to technology, communication and the internet, which require constant updating of content.

Its academic offering focuses especially on careers such as Programming, Web Design, Digital Marketing and Business, focusing on professionals who are dedicated to constantly staying up to date.

Today Platzi already has more than 1 million enrolled students, 600 courses and more than 50 professional degrees that are taught via streaming.

One of the main challenges that Platzi faced since its inception was to have a streaming platform that would allow them to manage the large number of online courses and that would ensure the correct transmission of classes via streaming. This is how from His beginnings worked with Mediastream.

In Mediastream, Platzi found the technological partner he needed to carry out his courses via streaming. From the Mediastream Platform they manage all their video content, whether VOD or Live Streaming, which they make available directly on their platform, optimizing their operation flows and offering top-level streaming with high quality and security standards.

During 2020 and as a result of the quarantines due to COVID-19, Platzi had an increase of more than 60% in the demand for content, where thousands of users connected simultaneously and registered for online classes.

“Mediastream is a super power. At Platzi, live and on-demand video are the basis of our business and Mediastream is the only company in the industry to understand from start to finish how to optimize each component. In addition to being in constant world-class technological innovation. At Platzi we have many services and suppliers, but Mediastream is a partner.”
Freddy Vega, CEO Platzi.

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